Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 3

One concept that I found to be interesting was “Sound and Unsound Arguments”.  I found the whole concept of an argument being valid, but not true therefore making it unsound was interesting.  It made me think about how we as people use sound and unsound arguments on a daily basis. For example, when dealing with drama with co-workers: “Matt is always late to work, late workers are lazy, therefor Matt is a lazy worker. Although Matt is always late, he really is not lazy; he just has to deal with traffic all the time. People can easily jump to conclusions, epically if people argue with unsound arguments, people can get the wrong information which can lead to further issues. Valid arguments are very tricky, because they are so misleading.  It is only sound arguments that make them valid and true for it to be an actual argument.  It makes me wonder of how many unsound arguments I’ve had recently. 

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