Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 7 Question 1

I start class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 AM every week. A perfect example of an inductive argument came up from this week. My inductive argument is as follows.  I start class at 9:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursdays. I set my alarm clock for class the night before. Therefor I am always on time. On can argue and say that I am not always on time, however based on my argument that I start class at 9:30 AM every Tuesday and Thursday and I set an alarm I must be on time according to my arguments. I find inductive arguments very interesting, because they are in some way very misleading. In my opinion, more facts are needed for things to be valid. I feel like inductive reasoning is a much weaker argument. Meaning, I would not use it.  

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