Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 3

One topic that I found rather interesting was the idea of social networking and how it acts the mass media. Reading about now Obama’s election back in 2008 and using sites like Twitter to broadcast a certain idea was surprising to me. Thinking how new that social networking is and how much of a difference it is making for the future. Social Networking is being used for advertising.  I have a friend who has an online clothing store and just is pretty popular on Twitter and she uses her fame to her advantage and promotes her clothing store to make the most sales. That is an example of how someone is taking advantage of all the social networking resources. Schools use it to help raise awareness or to inform the students of a particular cause. Social Networking has played a big impact in the way mass media is changed and how important it is on all of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Richard Ayala,
    I agree with everything you said regarding the social networking. I also found this topic was very interesting and I wrote about it for my own answer. Social networking certainly has a big impact on our lives especially twitter. Twtter has had an insane impact on peoples lives because literally millions of people could follow one persons life and all they do is post a 160 character messsage about what they are doing currently and people go absolutely crazy over it. I think
